If you have lost a tooth, several teeth, or a full set of teeth, you may choose to have implants rather than another type of restoration. Implants are considered a superior way to replace lost teeth, as they are anchored firmly in the jaw, and look and function exactly like natural teeth.

The restored tooth (or teeth) allow you to eat what you want without concern. From single tooth implants to multiple teeth to replacing a full set, implants can be the superior option for tooth restoration.

Single Tooth Implants

An implant is a titanium "root" which can be placed into the jawbone. A single tooth implant can be used to support a crown in cases where one missing or damaged tooth needs to be replaced. At Hillock Family Dental, we provide exceptional dental implants in Modesto, CA.


Multiple Tooth Implants

If you have lost multiple teeth, we can help you restore your smile with multiple tooth implants.


Full Arch Implants

For patients who have lost a full arch, top or bottom (or both) full arch implants provide a restoration that looks and functions like natural teeth.



All-On-4 is a specific technique that allows a full arch of teeth to be attached to the implants. The implants are strategically placed along the upper or lower jaw and once placed, a full arch will be placed that will feel and perform like natural teeth.


Implant Placement

The implant itself is a titanium post. This post is carefully implanted into your jaw where it becomes integrated into the jaw, functioning like a tooth root.



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Hillock Family Dental

(209) 522-8800

1908 Coffee Rd.
Modesto, CA 95355